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52 Articles2 Comments

Medical Malpractice – Human Error or Equipment Failure?

Medical errors occur much more often than most people realize. A patient goes in for routine surgery, but suffers major complications. Another endures...


Technology Revolutionizing the Healthcare Field

Based on the childhood experience of being misdiagnosed with an illness, and undergoing countless surgeries and hospital visits, Robin Farmanfarmaian has since dedicated...

Mobile Tech

Top 5 Apps For the Disabled

Health and wellness apps are becoming increasingly popular these days, and will most likely continue to be in demand in the New Year,...


Will Smartphone Killswitch Deter Thieves?

New York and California lawmakers have asked smartphone manufacturers to create a killswitch for the phones that would make stolen iPhones and other...


Unfair or Unethical? Technology and Field Sobriety Tests

All across America, much of this year’s holiday cheer will sour into thousands of arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol and...


Best Gadget Gifts For Christmas

Christmas is rapidly approaching and if you have waited until the last minute to shop for gifts, here is a guide to finding...

Data Storage / Infastructure

4 Practical Storage Solutions and Why You Still Need Them

If you own a small business, then you know how important it is to have a reliable data backup plan. One of the...

Digital Politics

BlackBerry Rebuilds Team, Changes Focus

BlackBerry Ltd., maker of smartphones, recently announced the departure of three of the company’s top executives. The company is restructuring in an attempt...


Government Informants and Technology Defense

As long as the government has been in existence, people have attempted to avoid repercussions for breaking the law, or find loopholes in...

Mobile Tech

New Finance Apps Competing with Banks

With an app for everything these days, the rise of “social finance” apps, as they are being called, is becoming a concern for...