
AndroidAppleGoogleiPhoneMobile Tech

Google’s Chairman Eric Schmidt Takes Poke at Apple and iPhone (iOS vs Android)

Google’s chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt doesn’t get a ton of media attention or put out any ‘controversial’ messages, but recently we...


Google Updates: Is Your Site Okay?

When it comes to website and page ranking, if Google says, “Jump!” we are at the mercy of the command if we want...


Is Wearing Google Glass While Driving Legal?

Driving home from a friend’s house, Ceclia Abadie, a software developer, was issued a ticket usually reserved for drivers who are distracted by...

Content MarketingGoogle

Google Panda and Penguin – Giving a bad name to cute animals

  We all love Pandas and Penguins, jut not the Google kind right? These days Google is on a streak of naming their...


Google Launches YouTube Space Tokyo

In an effort to produce even higher quality video for YouTube subscribers, Google has launched a state-of-the-art facility in Japan named YouTube Space Tokyo. Located...

GoogleMicrosoftMobile TechPower Players

Google and Microsoft looking to buy UK white space for mobile broadband

International White Space in UK being looked at by Microsoft and Google Well after you have dominated one area, AKA the US, where...

AppleData Storage / InfastructureGoogle

To cloud or not to cloud – Choosing your web host provider

The cloud is powerful but are you ready for it? These days it seems that just about everything you hear in technology is...

AppleGoogleMarketingMobile Tech

YouTube announces improved app for iPod touch and iPhone

YouTube officials launched a new and improved app today for iPhone and iPod touch users. This new app features a much larger library...

GoogleGoogleMobile Tech

Tabeo Tablet Coming to Toy R Us this Fall

Toys R Us has announced the upcoming release of the Tabeo Tablet, a 7 inch tablet made just for children. For parents who...

GoogleGooglePower Players

Google planning to cut Motorola staff by 20%

Motorola has been losing big lately, posting losses inthe last 14 out of 16 quarters and in an effort to stop the money...