Show Off Your Fun Adventures In 4K
Going out on fun adventures all of the time? Well why not show them off in 4K to get their full awesome-ness across to your viewers! The new action cam from Sony shoots in 4K and even offers some pretty sweet features like remote view tools, water proofing, wifi, GPS, and steady cam! If you are at all interested in video production these features will likely wow you like they do me! First off there are not too many devices that shoot in 4K currently, especially at the regular consumer level. Recently I purchased the GH4 which shoots in 4K but that with the lens was almost $2,500 let alone all the accessories I needed for it. It does offer some water resistance but I wouldn’t bring a camera that nice on a snow mobile adventure anytime soon! This is where the Sony Action Cam comes into play as a more reasonable device to still get super high-quality video while you are out and about on adventures while still capturing it in all of its glory.
Perhaps one of the best features of this new camera is that it is super wide angle shooting in 170 degrees meaning that you capture more of the action without having to repoint the camera or worry about it! Because of the 4K sensor you are going to be able to crop things out later that you do not want in the shot which is always the way to go rather than not having the shot at all or barely having it right on its edge. Furthermore when you want to get multiple angles or views or zoom the 4K will make this a lot easier. Lastly, having more footage to work with when you are editing will allow you to further stabilize the footage more which may crop out certain sections or regions to create the ultimate steadyness, or at least get you closer to your goals. Adobe Preimere as an example is one editing tool that will crop some of the footage when you use the warp stabilizer under regular settings to further stabilize footage, so more is usually better for adventure style scenes shot by yourself without a big camera crew to zoom in on just what you need.
The consumer price tag on this item makes it something that you could strap to the whole crew and get multiple angles that way to make your video even more exciting! Check out some of the videos below to get some ideas of what you can do with this camera even though they aren’t super extreme action, you can always Youtube it to get some more ideas!
Article by: Josh Bois, Entrepreneur and Adventurer