Every year the cost of energy rises, putting a significant strain on household budgets. More and more, people are turning to alternative solutions to keep their home heating and cooling costs to a minimum. One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your monthly electric bill is by installing roll down shades in your home. Attractive and functional, these shades may require a small initial investment to install, but can make a massive difference in your monthly bills. If you’re trying to picture in what kind of city you would need roll down shades Houston is a prime example. Let’s take a closer look at how roll down shades can play a huge role in home temperature control.
How A Roll Down Shade Can Help You
Most of a home’s heat is lost through the windows. Of course, you can always upgrade them by completely replacing your windows with up to date, ultra modern designs – but there aren’t many of us with the disposable income to make that happen. Thankfully, roll down shades are available for a fraction of the cost and are not only beautiful additions to your decor, but when installed properly can reduce heat loss by more than 30%.
If you want to reduce your heat loss in the winter and block the heat in the summer, you need to be sure that your roll down shades are installed correctly. Simply buying a handful of shades and slapping them up on your windows won’t work. You need to ensure you are not only using the right shade for your window, but are mounting it in a way that it can be effective.
The Inside Mount – Simply Effective
If your windows are unadorned and architecturally uncomplicated, you are a prime candidate for the simple inside mount. When these are installed properly, scorching summer UV rays can be completely or fully blocked depending on the fabric you choose, and you can hold in 30 % more heat in the winter. However, you need to ensure that the shades are mounted as close to the window as possible. There should be no more than a quarter inch of space between the fabric and the glass. The outside edges of the shades should also be held as close to the surrounding wall as possible in order to create a successfully sealed air space.
The Sealed Outside Mount – Tight and Strong
If after a quick examination of your windows you’ve found the majority of them to be unaccommodating for a traditional inside mount, you’ll have to make an additional investment for a sealed outside mount configuration. Much more complicated than the inside mount, the outside mount may require a bit more money for installation but will reduce your bill by an impressive 45%. An outside mount requires tracks to be added to the sides of the shade and weather stripping to be included at the top and bottom of the unit. This system fully seals the entire area, allowing for maximum protection from the elements. If you are not entirely confident in your handyperson abilities, you may want to consider hiring a contractor to help you. Studies have shown that outside mounts that are incorrectly installed are only as effective as interior mounts – which means a waste of time and money on your part.
Ready to Level Up?
For the ultimate in weather sealing, you may want to consider the formidable double roll system. Using two separate roll down shades to create the ultimate secure air space, this system can have a dramatic effect on reducing your monthly electric bill. By installing an interior roll down shade as well as a sealed outside mount, you can be assured that your home will remain at a comfortable temperature year round without having to crank up the AC or turn on the heat.
Fabric Makes the Difference
No matter which mount you choose, the fabric that your roll down shades are made from can have an additional affect on the temperature of your home. Although many people choose fabric shades known as ‘roman shades’ for their aesthetic value and ability to match the rest of your home’s interior, they simply won’t have as much effect as other, more industrial materials. Known as ‘dual shades’, these advanced fabrics are highly reflective on one side and heat absorbing on the other. The bright white reflective side is made of fine milled layers of aluminum bonded to durable woven fiberglass fabric. When the UV rays hit this side, they are immediately reflected off and redirected from your home’s cool interior. When reversed with the seasons, the darker side absorbs the heat and locks it in your home to keep the winter chill away. These fabrics are very successful when it comes to reducing your energy consumption with an over 60% reduction in energy use when used properly.
It’s All How You Work Them…
How you use your roll down shades is just as important as how they are mounted. For example, in the summer it is crucial that the shades are lowered on sunlit windows for the entire day. In the winter, the shades on the north of the house need to be raised during the day to allow sunlight into the home and then lowered in the evening to trap the heat in. Although they may look like any other beautiful window treatment, if you want to get the most from your investment you must use them in the way they are the most effective.
No one wants to live in fear of their electric bill but the fact is most of us do. There is nothing worse than owing more and more money every month that passes and feeling helpless when it comes to stopping it. You shouldn’t have to sweat to death or spend your winter slugging around in every sweater you own. Roll down shades are a sensible, environmentally aware choice that can help you regain some control over how much you energy your consume and how much money you’ll have to hand over at the end of every month.