Can We Get Your Vote Please?
Facebook is a major power player so you know that when they team up with the white house something major can happen. In this case they are pushing the notion of voting to all of their users. Whether it is a message letting you know that it is election day or having great apps for you to register to vote there are many ways Facebook is helping guide these elections and their turn out.
From streaming videos to polls, news stories and more, never before has the online world been so active with people posting statuses and updates about their feelings about each candidate. Social Media is truly an important spectrum for any candidate to play a big role in and cater a lot of their marketing efforts to. It has such a direct emotional connection to so many people and because it is your friends, you take their opinions very serious.
The sentiment that friends show towards certain candidates helps shape your opinion whether it is conscious or sub-consciously and that is huge. Especially the act of voting itself, is going to be affected by the online world and constant reminders to get out and put your vote in.
The true call to action
Is your friends, it was recently found in a University of California San Diego study that many are less persuaded by your “duty” to vote and much more likely to get out there due to peer pressure.
What are you guys waiting for, get registered to vote and let’s make this a great election!