International White Space in UK being looked at by Microsoft and Google
Well after you have dominated one area, AKA the US, where else does one turn? Surely Microsoft and Google have been planning to dominate the mobile world for some time as they have launched product after product and service after service geared towards the mobile industry. Now they are looking to take that to the next level and even buy the waves and spectrum itself. It is rumored that they may want to open up some free services, similar to Google’s free wifi service. This is beneficial to a firm such as Google because it lets them further intercept and control all of the data, and of another country. Google wants you to utilize their search engine, their email technology, and all of their other products… especially Android phones where they have complete lock down on your information. It is an interesting step to see what they will do next. They led a consortium to see if this would work in Cambridge without any other service disruption. Ofcom the company in control of the local spectrum is looking to potentially open up the sale of the spectrum next year but it is unknown who it will be sold to and if UK law makers decide to step in and change the outcome.
Global Good Networks early connections to the broadband spectrum
Little would anybody expect but one of our first investors was not only a film investor in Hollywood and Los Angeles but also a technology investor. At the time of his investment behind us about 4 years ago at this point, he was in the process of selling some of the wireless spectrum he had bought over a decade before when it first opened up and was not nearly as costly. If I remember correctly, he was selling the part of the spectrum he owned to Sprint. It is always very exciting to be in the loop for major deals when it comes to major technological innovations and areas such as wireless spectrum allocation. Read more about the spectrum and how signals work on Wikipedia if you too are interested in how waves can be transmitted invisibly yet so effectively.
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