
Hulu Plus and Netflix battle it out on Twitter

Netflix or Hulu + ?
Netflix or Hulu + ?

Many of you are familiar with Hulu and Netflix, the online video providers. Netflix is known for delivering physical DVD’s in the mail to users across the US and has more recently begun major marketing campaigns behind its online streaming video services. Netflix has been available only to monthly subscribers of its services offered at different price levels usually somewhere around $5-15 a month or so ( am not a member so not 100% sure ) where as has been a primarily free online streaming video resource. Both of these firms have solid connections and relationships with major content networks and content providers for video all the way from movies and films to full on TV series. Hulu recently released a premium version of its online offering which allows you to view more content and in higher quality than the regular version allows.

The two combined services are making many people realize that they can “cut the cable” essentially disconnecting and stopping their cable service and using exclusively internet delivered video and/or videos delivered to their house via DVD ( Netflix ). Two two firms have gotten a lot of attention on social networks and most especially Twitter lately were. Hulu recently decided to include a free month of Hulu Plus as well as enable a facebook connect button making it very easy to use their website and start getting signed up for service, definitely a wise marketing move!

An image of the interface for Hulu plus from an iPhone is available here:

Anyways onto the reason for this article, there are thousands of users tweeting about whether they want Netflix or Hulu as their sole or main provider of digital entertainment video content.

The top reasons for users preferring Netflix over Hulu Plus are: Cheaper, Commercial Free, Lag-Free Streaming ( this was before Hulu dropped its prices however )
The top reasons for users preferring Hulu over Netflix are: Better Mobile apps, better catalog, higher quality

Between the dates of June 28, 2010 and July 6th, 2011 there were 10,283 tweets about the method in which users are going about getting access to their movies and tv series other than cable ( Netflix and Hulu primarily )

Other major video players not included in the roundup:

A great chart and picture graphically explaining some of the differences and statistics of both services is available at:

Another article shows a chart of the Hulu Plus Paid Subscribers going from under 250K in November 2010 to just under 1 million at 875K by June 2011 and is available to see at:

One article at: discusses that Netflix is not interest in buying Hulu check it out!


Google Trends, News Articles Listed:
Infographic: Hulu Plus v. Netflix on Twitter – Fight on Gotta Be Mobile – ( )
Hulu reactivates Facebook Connect, includes a free month of Hulu Plus – – ( )
Netflix beats Hulu Plus in social streaming showdown [infographic] – BGR – ( )
Hulu adds subs, makes money, struggles to find the right buyer – FierceOnlineVideo – ( )

Google Trends, Blog Posts Listed:
Hulu Plus & Netflix Faceoff [Infographic] – ( )
Hulu Plus: 1-month FREE Trial – ( )
Free One Month Trial of Hulu Plus | Common Sense With Money – ( )

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