
Microsoft Wireless Notebook Presenter 8000 with 5 button Mouse -Wireless-and-Bluetooth

Hey Global Gooders,

Check out this mouse from Microsoft that makes working with a desktop or laptop even easier by reducing the clutter of cords. This sweet mouse operates over bluetooth and is wireless so you can work from several feet away, even a couch sometimes if you use it to operate a computer while watching a movie from afar, and has all the features you need. It has five buttons including left and right clicking, a scrolling wheel that pushes in for extra options and even left and right buttons which are programmable and can act as back and forwards buttons in browsers.

This is officially called a presenter mouse for a reason and it comes with truth to the name. This mouse allows you to use it even when it is not on a mouse pad or firm ground ( for the features other than mousing around ) such as controlling a powerpoint with the clicking of the mouse or the left and right buttons.

Furthermore and coolest of this mouse is that is also features a laser pointer on the bottom of the mouse which few people know but can really come in handy during business presentations ( or just teasing other people with a laser pointer while their giving presentations… Just kidding 🙂 —no but really ) and we definitely recommend this product and suggest that you check it out!

At only around $40 dollars it is a very good investment and definitely helps when you are working on the road! This mouse was bought for me by my lawyer father who uses it to present all the time as well as travel so I know that it works across several genres of business!

check it out on google shopping here:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=709&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16714088810151555769&sa=X&ei=n-8ETpaPGITVgQfi7NXJDQ&ved=0CF0Q8gIwAA
which helps you compare the pricing from several digital outlets and stores.

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