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SMS Text Alerts providing mobile marketing for global entrepreneurs

Featured on Global Good Networks Portfolio Page

Mobile Marketing For All Entrepreneurs

Whether you are a start-up or run a successful legal or health office the new service available from mobile marketing firm is something to sign up for.

The social media integration with Facebook Pages and Twitter Accounts makes it easy to collect phone numbers from your fans to later notify them of great products, services or information that you want to get out. With the ability to manage this solution from your iPhone, iPad or Android among other smartphone and tablet devices this is something you can utilize while on the go or easily within a meeting.

If you have a website, there is even a widget that you can embed to collect your customers and potentials customers mobile phone numbers to send them a text later from the platform, doesn’t matter if it is a wordpress, joomla, or an older html based site. We love the fact that the panel is so easy to use and accessible even when we signed up on their free trial. This is not an iPhone app, it is a dedicated platform that is cloud hosted and always available but you can manage it from your mobile browser very easily.

Manage mobile marketing from your iPad and iPhone in Safari or any other browser
Manage mobile marketing from your iPad and iPhone in Safari or any other browser

Perhaps the most interesting fact for Internet start-ups trying to take on the world market is the fact that this comes ready to serve multi-lingual text messages as well as send messages to countries outside of the USA. You never know when your next big customer or partner is in the United Kingdom, as an example, and keeping them up to date on your brand via cell phones is what kept them close to your site. For almost every type of firm there is one way or another that this platform can not only be practical but very powerful. For Lawyers and Doctors, making sure your clients show up to their appointment or court case in certain circumstances, can ensure you collect your money owed or do not waste time sitting and waiting on a client that is not coming. Rather than bugging customers with calls or emails about their upcoming bill, or in conjunction with those methods, you can also send a bill reminder via SMS to their cell phone helping you reduce the days lost waiting for a customer to pay when they have forgotten. Day and Night Club owners can send out a text message to all of their interested club-goers the day before or hours before a big event to improve turn up, a factor which can be the difference between breaking even and profiting from your hard work and efforts.

Let us know your thoughts on SMS Text Alerts and experiences in the comment section below this post.

Check out SMS Text Alert on their website at:



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