If you’re doing some home improvement, there are a lot of questions you have to consider before embarking on a project. Luckily the smartphones and tablets that are so near and dear to our hearts offer a wealth of applications that can make your work easier, more cost effective and yes, even more pleasurable than it would be without the aid of technology. Here are 5 great apps that will get you the best results from any home improvement task you undertake.
Home Depot (Free)
This free app from the giant home improvement store is functional and more than a little helpful during the planning stages of the home improvement process. It comes with the ability to quickly and easily search through the entire inventory of your local home depot, you can know ahead of a trip to the store exactly what you’ll need and how much it will cost. It also comes with a handy feature that allows you to use the camera on the phone to scan barcodes and promotional QR codes so you know you’re always getting the best deal, not to mention allowing you to comparison shop.
Level- (Free)
Making ingenious use of the iPhone’s motion sensing technology, this app is a great and free replacement for the bubble levels that are so commonly used when hanging doors, shelves and the like. With both the vertical and horizontal levels on the same screen, this tool is incredibly versatile and able to accurately tell you whether or not your new furniture and wall fixtures are off kilter. With an instant response time and surprisingly sensitive measurements, this is a must have for anyone who is improving their home.
LED Light For iPhone (Free)
There is no end to the number of home improvement situations that require an easily accessible flashlight, but the problem is that carrying around a dedicated flashlight can be a bit of a nuisance. Solve that problem by downloading this free flashlight app. Now you’ll never be more than an arm’s reach away from a surprisingly powerful light. This app not only has a steady state light, but also comes with several different modes, the most interesting of which are the strobe light and SOS modes. Strobe flashes at any rate you choose, and the SOS mode can send out a quick Morse code SOS signal if you find yourself in need of urgent assistance and need to visibly signal for help.
wikiHow (Free)
This app is a great portal to a huge number of how-to articles and videos, all of which are great particularly for the beginner or novice do-it-yourselfer. In addition the app allows you to comment and add to the discussion once you have finished whatever project you’re working on, or even if you get stuck while working and need some help from the very active wikiHow community.
HomeSizer ($2.99)
HomeSizer is a great app for those often difficult measurements and calculations that are necessary for even the simplest of home improvement tasks. It gives you a wide range of features for remodeling, repairing or adding on to your home. Including such often overlooked things as insurance costs post-remodeling and added property values and taxes, it gives you a great view into exactly how any project will affect your bottom line. It is the perfect tool when planning exactly how much a renovation will cost versus what it will add to your home in the long run.
While this list is merely scratching the surface of the great home improvement apps that are out there, it should get you started on your way to making your home more livable while saving you time and money versus all the older tools and techniques that used to be required for do it yourself home remodeling projects.
Sam Hutcheson is part of the marketing team at Do My Own Pest Control. In his spare time he likes to research better, faster and cheaper ways to do home improvement yourself. To learn more follow him on Twitter.