To the uninitiated, link indexing is a key aspect of SEO can sound like something completely alien. This type of service is both necessary and a godsend because it counters the harsh reality that, at most, you typically just get credit for 50 percent of the backlinks you create. Even 10 percent link indexing is considered a win. If you pick the right kind of service, you can actually better your chances through getting Google to index a lot more of your links. This helps out your SEO significantly.
How Does It Work?
The one objective of link indexing is meant to get more of your links recognized by the all-powerful Google. This is in spite of the fact that your links are still going to be made automatically. Usually, link packages are purchased but these are usually ignored by Google, since they’re discredited as cheap-quality and not legitimate “votes” for your site. Therefore, services attempt to circumvent this problem by way of getting your links recognized by Google and being counted toward your total.
It Works Via the Ping
What exactly is the “ping?” This is one of the two major ways that link indexing works. The ping is the most popular method of link indexing. It indicates that a notice will be delivered to Google that a particular web page is being searched for on the Internet. As a result, the web crawlers of Google are told that this particular web page is being viewed, and is therefore well worth being indexed. Still, the ping is not without its shortcomings. For instance, it only has limited value due to the fact that it is just an automated system and nothing more sophisticated.
It Works Via the Link To the Link
The other way that link indexing works involves the link to the link. You can think of this approach to link indexing as a pyramid-style scheme that involves top-quality links that point to mid-level links, which then, in turn, point to bottom-level links. That’s not the end of it, though. These bottom-level links finally end up pointing back to your site. So now you can see why it is called a pyramid-style scheme in the world of link indexing. This approach is based on the tactic that this arrangement will look much more impressive to Google since many other sites are linking to the links, making them appear highly useful to Google.
A good link indexing service can work magic and wonders for your site’s SEO. When you’re on the Internet, SEO is really your biggest priority out of everything else, simply because you want people to find your site in the vast space that is the World Wide Web. Cheap link packages that you can buy are no good to you since Google will disregard them as being nothing useful. Instead, purchasing reliable and effective help from a link indexing service can and will improve the SEO of your site. Now, people can find your site and you can get noticed.